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Log Entries Subwindow

Log Entries Subwindow lists the current selected job log entries on main window.User can view the logs of each job execution,On this window, user can find the log date to check the files which has been operated and view the status of success as well as error informtion on Detailed Log Subwindow. You can also double click the log entries to directly enter the directory where these files are located.

Features of Log Entries Subwindow:

  1. Open the directory where the files recorded in log are located.
  2. Check log remark information and it is available to modify.
  3. Delete the current selected log. For the type of backup job, the corresponding backup files are also deleted.
  4. Empty all logs. For backup job, empty feature is unavailable because this kind of file can not be restored if emptied.

Tag :Log Entries Subwindow,Log Recorded File,Sync and Backup Job

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