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Detailed Log Subwindow

Detailed Log Subwindow

After a record of log has been selected on Log Entries Subwindow, the current deteailed log subwindow will display the detailed log information, including type of operation, file information and success notification. You can double click the file item on this window to open the recorded files that are not be compressed in zip and not on FTP server.

Features of Detailed Log Subwindow:


  1. Switch to show the failed operation logs.
  2. Open the current selected file.
  3. Turn to the first page of log.
  4. Turn to the previous page of log.
  5. Turn to the next page of log.
  6. Turn to the last page of log.

Tag :detailed log subwindow,log information,ftp server,FileGee Enterprise Synchronization and Backup System

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  • "Easy to backup the data files of staff or server in company, and use different backup modes to complete different backup effects."
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  • "Using FileGee backup & synchronization system can ensure different files backed up automatically, It is so easy."
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