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Set FTP Server

FTP Server List

one FTP server may be called by multiple jobs, so it is set separately in FTP server and backup job. On the above dialog box, it lists all the FTP servers you have added. You can add, delete and modify. The abbreviation cited by FTP in the first column of the list refers to the name called by backup job. It gives a name that is easy to remember for every FTP server record you have added.

Set FTP Server

The next dialog box is used to set the FTP server in detail. The called shotname refers to the name called by backup job, which represents every FTP server record you have added. The left content which need to fill in is the required information for logging in FTP server.

Before transferring files on FTP, you must create a data connection at first. "Active Mode" is used to make FTP server take initiative to connect the computer where this software has been installed. While "Passive Mode" refers to let the software to connect FTP server. If there are port limited by the computer that has installed this software, it must use "Passive Mode". If FTP server only enables a part of ports, it must use "Active Mode". If both cases exist at the same time, the software only connects FTP server and can not list the directory files and transfer file.

Some jobs need to create a lot of FTP connections. When FTP server limits the number of connections from the same IP, job will be caused to fail even though the connection test of FTP is successful.

Tag :set ftp server,filegee,filegee backup & synchronization,backup file

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