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How to Transfer File through Inner Channel of Multi-User Network Version without Using FTP or Share Path?

Some users maybe consider the convenience or security and do not want to transfer files between computers by FTP or share path. Multi-user network version provides a software inner channel of file transfer to solve this issue.

In order to use the inner channel of file transfer, first, the server needs to enable this feature for a certain client and specify the directory to save the corresponding files on server for this client(Client user is only available to access the files in the specified save directory but can not access other directories and files on server). Second, client needs to create a job Use Inner Channel of File Transfer.

There are two ways for server to specify the directory to save file for client. The first way, on Server Settings, it will enable the feature for all users. The server will create the same subdirectory as the user's name for every user. The second way, on User Property, it only enable this feature for a specified user. When both two ways are enabled, the path set on user property is priority.

Tag :FileGee,FileGee Server Settings,FileGee Multi-user Network

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