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Job Name and Type

It is the first page of wizard for creating backup job, you need to give your job a name to differ from other jobs, and choose a suitable type for backup or synchronization.
Several types of Backup and Synchronization are listed below.

  1. One-Way Sync For instance,
    When item is in sync, the new created folders or changes in source directory will be copied to the destination. While the copy of files deleted from source directory will be also deleted in destination directory. This action only synchronizes files from the source to the destination directory. If changes has been done by user (that is, you) in destination directory, it will not be executed.
  2. Two-Way Sync For instance,
    When item is synchronizing, Any changed files or new created folders no matter whether in source or destination directory will be propagated each other. Any deletions happened on one side will be done the same on another side and vice versa. If the changes are the same on both side, it will keep the latest operation record automatically. If the time of operation can not be determined, the updated files or new created folder will be retained more than the deleted files. This action will modify files in source directory.
  3. Mirror Sync For instance,
    When item is in sync, any new created folders in source or deletions in destination directory as well as changes in both sides, they will be copied from the source to the destination directory. While any deletions in source or new created folders in destination will be also deleted in destination directory. This type of synchronization always maintains the files in the same between the source and destination directory. Any changed files in destination will be removed.
  4. Move Sync For instance,
    When item is in sync, all the files in source will be moved to the destination. If there already exists the same files in destination, those files will be replaced and the source will be empty after moving
  5. Replace Sync For instance,
    For instance, when item is in sync, the new created or updated files in source will be copied to destination, while all original files in destination before copying will be deleted except the latest ones.
  6. Incremental Sync For instance,
    When item is in sync, the new created or updated files in source will be copied to destiantion, but any original files in destination will not be deleted. The destination directory will retain the final version of all the files that has ever displayed in source directory.
  7. Incremental Backup
    When item is being executed, if there are new created or updated files in source has been found, it will create a subdirectory to save these new files in destination. Although the saved files only reflect a part of the source directory when performing, you can also restore the whole performing directory structure and all the files in source with File Recovery Tool in this program. When item is in incremental backup for the first time, it will automatically do a full backup for source directory so as to full restore in future.
  8. Full Backup
    When job is being executed, it will create a subdirectory in destination to save all the files from source.


Except for Two-Way Sync and Mirror Sync, other types of job will do nothing when performing if there is no changes in source, but only record the last examine time. While Two-Way Sync and Mirror Sync will also record the last examine time if there are no changes in both source and destination.

Except for Two-Way Sync and Mirror Sync, other types of job will do nothing for the files which are created, updated or deleted directly in destination by users. That's to say, the existing file which is not copied to destination will not be recognized, while the files which is not deleted directly by job, they will be recognized as existing files in destination.

Except for Two-Way Sync and Move Sync, other types of job do not operate any files in source directory.


Tag :filegee backup file name and type,filegee,filegee backup & synchronization,backup file

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  • "Easy to backup the data files of staff or server in company, and use different backup modes to complete different backup effects."
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