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Backup to Email Subwindow

Subwindow Backup to Email

Nowadays free mail space is very large. So we can make use of this mail space to backup files. On the window above we can set a subjob of "Back to Email", the subjob can backup a local file into Email as attachment. Due to operate for the local single file, so the destination directory of main job must be in local and compressed in zip (thus the whole directory for backup can become a single file.) as well as synchronization type.

Subwindow Backup to Email

Pictured above is the subjob settings for "Backup to Email", mainly setting for mail. Sending Mail Account is previous set. Excepting mail setting, you need to choose the bundled main job and select whether to split and encrypt files into several mails, and finally specify whether to send Email backup after job is complete.

Here we need to especially explain the recipient email address, the address can be split with ';', representing parallel relationship; '|' represents serial relationship. For example, specify the recipient as "xxx@yahoo.com ; xxx@hotmail.com| xxx@aol.com; xxx@gmail.com", If the sent mail is divided into 6 parts, Part 1, 3, 5 will be shown in yahoo and hotmail mailbox. While part 2, 4, 6 will be shown in aol and gmail mailbox. Thus we can not only make sure all the clips are not in the same mail and proctect the data confidence, but also backup in two copies for more security.

File Split Settings

Pictured above is File Split Dialog Box. Sometimes we need to split files due to the size limited by sending email. So it is more secure to save files into different mailboxes. The split files can be merged with Independent File Merge Tool.The dialog box above specifies the size for each split file and encrypt when splitting. And the encryption algorithm here is different from the one in job execution. If both has enabled encryption, it will double encrypt.

Tag :backup to email subwindow,filegee,filegee backup & synchronization,backup file

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