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FileGee Backup & Synchronization System - Software Update News

  • 9.7 -> 9.7.9
  • 9.7.9 updates:
    Network disk, FTP, private cloud can support manual and automatic log deletion in Incremental Backup.
    Added filename encryption feature.
    The length of the file path changed from 1,000 to 2,000.
  • 9.6 -> 9.7
  • 9.7 updates:
    Enterprise Single Edition supports changing configuration file path.
    Added Retry mechanism to deal with the unstability of network disc and reduce failure rate.
    The minimum interval unit of interval execution and auto-retry changed from minute to second.
    Enterprise multi-user edition added new feature: new users can copy and paste task to each other.
  • 9.5 -> 9.6
  • 9.6 updates:
    Source directory can be set as multiple directories and files, and multiple directories backup can be implemented by a single task.
    When first execute task, you can decide which files to update or not according to time point.
    Automatically execuate and add new option. This can help you execute task when software launches or mobile device accesses.
    Import and export function were added to FTP settings, and FTP can also set connection timeout time.
    More stable file filtering function.Inclusion and exclusion can be performed simultaneously, and filter configuration can be imported and exported.
    New task process displays in percentage, which can predict task execution time more accurately.
  • 9.4 -> 9.5
  • 9.5.12 updates:
    When executing the task for the first time, check whether to update the files in target directory according to time.
    Remove USB and other external drive safely.
  • 9.5.3 updates:
    "dbghelp.dll" don't need to download again if you change Win2000 PC, and the percentage of job progress can be also displayed.
  • 9.3 -> 9.4
  • Updates:
    Optimize ZIP compression, support file larger than 4G, compression, decompression speeds are improved significantly.
    Optimize the timing mechanism, the task can be started even when the computer goes into hibermation.
    Merger FTP connections, it only needs to establish one connection to FTP server when executing task except the transmission of multi-threaded.
    Filter empty directory.
    Mirror synchronization supports zip compression.
    Support inner channel fully, currently only the target is inner channel and zip compression is not supported.
    Send the e-mail of the implementation results after the end of the mission.(personal edition is excluded:
    Support filter strings containing '\'.
    Support the long path.
    Support setting Dropbox as source directory or destination directory.
    • 9.2 -> 9.3
    • Updates:
      Match the drive of removable storage devices automatically, when the device drive changes, the device adjusts the drive automatically.
      The dormant computer can be timed to activate task
      Revised interface, more beautiful and useful
      Update timing mechanism
    • 9.1 -> 9.2
    • Updates:
      You can also copy the file permissions to new files during copy files.
      Add the delay for task real-time trigger , avoid the task are triggered frequently .
      send e-mail account and Increase the secure connection(SSL)
    • 9.0 -> 9.1
    • Updates:
      Optimize network module, speed the transfer of FTP, SMTP, and online edition
      Add the feture of shuting down coputer after the completion of the task execution .
    • 8.8 -> 9.0
    • Updates:
      compatible Windows7 OS fully.
      Revised interface, more beautiful and useful
    • 8.7 -> 8.8
    • Updates:
      Optimize the files processing when first execution file, avoid copy repeatedly.
      Delete backup automatically, add the option of only have one backup every day.
    • 8.6 -> 8.7
    • Updates:
      Add the feature of execute preview, analysis the operations to be carried out to avoid misuse.
    • 8.5 -> 8.6
    • Updates:
      Add the support of FTP to SSL security certificate, inhance the security and reliability of file transfer.
      Inhance the real-time monitoring to USB mobile devices, trigger task backup and synchronization automatically .
      Optimize the automatic processing mechanism of FTP to avoid the failure of file transfer.
    • 8.4 -> 8.5
    • Updates:
      The multi-user online edition is added transfer file through internal channel ranther than FTP or share path.
    • 8.3 -> 8.4
    • Updates:
      The multi-user online serve and client are added service feture, they can run in the background.
      Add hide controled client, it can centralized backup multiple client computers silently through serve-side.
    • 8.2 -> 8.3
    • Updates:
      Back up files by large email, the large files can be sent after split.
      Add file split and merge tools
      Add forms of subsidiary tasks, incremental backup logs can be automatically exported after the task execution
    • 8.1 -> 8.2
    • Updates:
      Optimize network communication mechanism of multi-user edition, focus on improving operations.
    • 8.0 -> 8.1
    • Updates:
      Revised interface substantially:
    • 7.7 -> 8.0
    • Updates:
      Add the function of forcing copy (hot copy) for database.
    • 7.6 -> 7.7
    • Updates:
      Add the FXP feture of file transfer between FTP sever.
    • 7.5 -> 7.6
    • Updates:
      FTP can multi-threads upload or download
    • 7.4 -> 7.5
    • Updates:
      FTP support to resume broken transfer
    • 7.3 -> 7.4
    • Updates:
      Add the support of FTP to UTF-8
      Add the feture to group task
      Add the task list to arrange as a list.
    • 7.2 -> 7.3
    • Updates:
      Add retry automatic retry to the uncompleted task.
    • 7.1 -> 7.2
    • Updates:
      Add the feature to delete log corresponded file for mobile sync and cumulative sync.
    • 7.0 -> 7.1
    • Updates:
      Add the support to Windows Vista.
    • 6.5 -> 7.0
    • Updates:
      Support Unicode, compatible the file name with various language character.
      Add types of mobile synchronization, move the source files in the directory to target directory automatically.
      Add the shows of percentage progress for file transfer.
      Add the hidden work mode for multi-user.
    • 6.4 -> 6.5
    • Updates:
      Add the encryption and decryption tool for Separate folder.
    • 6.3 -> 6.4
    • Updates:
      Choose and encript file during backup and synchronization.
    • 6.2 -> 6.3
    • Updates:
      Add the option of forcing to copy some opened files.
    • 6.1 -> 6.2
    • Updates:
      Add the option of deleting files to recycle bin.
    • 6.0 -> 6.1
    • Updates:
      two-way synchronization.
      Improve mirroring synchronization.
    • 5.4 -> 6.0
    • Updates:
      Add the system service way for work, it can run in background without login the OS.
      Add the feature to execute task before or after command execution.
    • 5.3 -> 5.4
    • Updates:
      Add incremental backup and recovery procedures independently, it can recovery the history of files and directory structure on any computer.
    • 5.2 -> 5.3
    • Updates:
      Add enterprise user editon
      Add command line, support other ways of start task.
    • 5.1 -> 5.2
    • Updates:
      Add the support of synchronous type "mirror synchronization" to FTP.
    • 5.0 -> 5.1
    • Updates:
      Add mirror synchronization, keep the target directory is same as original directory.
    • 4.3 -> 5.0
    • Updates:
      Beautify the interface
      Add file recovery guide, you can restore the previously backed up files selectively
      Add the update and Compatible fetures, all the updated task information will be retained in the future.
      More accurate to access the local information, it can also activate software even if one part of computer is damaged.
      Show the process of restoring file, shows whether the recovery is success or not clearly.
      You can set the path to save the log
    • 4.2 -> 4.3
    • Updates:
      Improve the process shows of task, More accurate and clear.
      Add multi-tasking executive function.
      Add the task relative execution, set related pre-set task for task.
    • 4.1 -> 4.2
    • Updates:
      Improve the process shows of task.
      Improve the function.
      Make the appropriate operating when perform the task for the first time and fine the target directory.
    • 4.0 -> 4.1
    • Updates:
      Every window has it own tooltar , the interface is more clearly .
      You can login in the LAV share directory which has no password and user name.
      Optimize the recovery tool of backup file which is backed up by incremental backup
      The log information can be inputted more clearly and can also be modified.
    • 3.3 -> 4.0
    • Updates:
      Show the execution process of every task independently, every task retain the last process.
      Improve the operation mechanism of FTP.
      Add the proxy sever.
      The log order is changed from the nearest to the previous arrangement.
      When the checked original directory have no change, the last check time will show in other color.
      When a task is running, the small icon will show runing animation.
      The original path can be modified.
      it need to confirm when close program, then stop the task being performed, and waiting for the normal exit.
      Delete the task log ,and delete the appropriate backup task .
      When the incremental backup delete the log, merge and back up files automatically to ensure restore them in the future.
      The log information and process information are more detailed.
    • 3.2 -> 3.3
    • Updates:
      Beautify some of the interface
      Add the detailed process information of task execution.
      You can set the save path for temporary files.
      The task can be terminated in midway, the process is recorded, the next execution will not duplicate it again.
    • 3.1 -> 3.2
    • Updates:
      The filter by file name can add the file relative path.
      Log is more detailed, recored every file.
      The shows of log are color, you can distinguish the operation of every file and the results more clearly.
      The file which is operated failure during recording task execution will be retried next time.
      When you new the task execution, if the file is in the target directory, you can choose not to copy these files.
    • 3.0 -> 3.1
    • Updates:
      Improve the registration of program.
      Optimize the FTP-related treatment of program.
      You can set password when run the program.
      Add the option for FTP connection., you can select passive and active mode.
    • 2.1 -> 3.0
    • Updates:
      Add the support to FTP.
      Achieve the file backup and synchronization among local computer, LAN and FTP sever.
      Add the function of fitle backup file according to file name.
      Load program automatically when boot computer.
      Hide the window automatically when the window is minimized
      Add the function to recover backup file of incremental backup task.
    • 2.0 -> 2.1
    • Updates:
      Add the update synchronization of backup type
      Add the cumulative sync of backup type.
    • 1.0 -> 2.0
    • Updates:
      Add the function of file compression, it can be compressed as a zip file
      zip files can be protected by password.
    • 1.0
    • Updates:
      Achieve the one-way synchronization between directories.
      Achieve the incremental backup between directories.
      Achieve the full backup between directories.
      You can timed, real-time to operate the director.
      Record the date of task execution

Customer Reviews

  • "Easy to backup the data files of staff or server in company, and use different backup modes to complete different backup effects."
  • IT Supervisor
  • "Using FileGee backup & synchronization system can ensure different files backed up automatically, It is so easy."
  • Technical Manager

Our Customers


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